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Chose welding electrodes


     Different types of welding electrodes

For Simply for welding purpose we generally use 7018 and 6013. 
These above two electrodes use for general purpose , This 7018 and 6013 electrodes is very must useful in rusty - dusty areas.

Applicable for -
  • Vehicles bodies joint
  • Ship Structure welding works
  • Mechanical Structure works
  • Beams and structure works

Welding Electrode 7018.

7018 = 70 and 1 and 8

Frist two digit show Tensile strength of electrode material
70= 70000 Pounds per square Inch Tensile Strength 

Third Digit show the welding position
Mainly three position of welding if
1= Stands for all positions
2= For flat and horizontal positions
4= Stands for overhead, vertical, horizontal, and flat electrode positions.

Fourth Digit show the taking current during welding
The last digit implies the coating that has been used and consequently the current that you can safely use.

AWS Chemical Composition Requirements
C = 0.15 maxNi = 0.30 max
M n = 1.60 maxCr = 0.20 max
Si = 0.75 maxMo = 0.30 max
P = 0.035 maxV = 0.08 max
S = 0.035 max

Deposited Chemical Composition % (Typical)
C = 0.07M n = 0.87*Si = 0.61
P = 0.015S = 0.011Ni = 0.02*
Cr = 0.03*Mo = 0.01*V = 0.01*

Deposited All Weld Metal Properties % (Typical) As Welded 
Tensile Strength82,670 psi
Yield Strength69,610 psi
Elongation in 2″30%

Welding Electrode 6013.

6013 = 60 and 1 and 3

Frist two digit show Tensile strength of electrode material
60= 60000 Pounds per square Inch Tensile Strength 

Third Digit show the welding position
Mainly three position of welding if
1= Stands for all positions
2= For flat and horizontal positions
4= Stands for overhead, vertical, horizontal, and flat electrode positions.

Fourth Digit show the taking current during welding
The last digit implies the coating that has been used and consequently the current that you can safely use.

Carbon .08
Manganese .45
Silicon .18
Phosphorus .012 
Sulfur .009

Tensile Strength   68,200 PSI  470 MPA
Yield Strength      59,500 PSI  410 MPA
Elongation            28%

Sizes and recommended current range (DC<+>)
Diameter (mm) 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 
Length (mm) 350 350 450 450 
Amps (F) 60-90 100-120 110-160 160-220 
               (V&OH) 50-80 80-110 100-150 140-200

2. Steel to Mild steel welding electrodes- 


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