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Hard Facing electrode


4. Hard Facing welding electrode

Welding Alloys offer a range of covered electrodes for hard facing. Our hard facing electrodes are the ideal manual welding solution for welding parts subject to wear. Our range of coated electrodes are suitable for repair, rebuilding and hard facing of parts such as cutting tools, forging tools, cones, mantles, earth moving equipment and many more. For joining and building up of low and medium carbon steels. Ideal for joining dissimilar sections, restrained joints and oil soaked parts. Can also be used as a cushioning alloy under hard facing deposits. Finds applications in pressure vessels, pipes, flanges, vehicle chassis, cross members, gun plates, heavy machinery parts, steel castings, etc.

Hard facing electrode N6006-

We generally using hard facing Chromocarb N6006 L&T Welding Electrode. these electrode highly resist wearing area like as Coal mill, Coal pipe, Classifier, Roller , Vehicle chassis etc. To resist wear from parts rolling or sliding against each other with little or no lubrication. Where “as welded” machinability is not required. 


Hard facing overlay on: Tractor Rollers; Idlers and Drive Sprockets; Power Shovel Tumblers; Shafts; Trunnions; Cams; Mine Car and Crane Wheels. Brake Drums; Pinch Rolls; Coiler Rolls; Continuous Caster Rolls; Extruder Rams; Shafts; Rail ends (Wear shield MM40).  

Benefits of Hard facing
Hard facing is a low cost method of depositing wear resistant surfaces on metal components to extend service life. Although used primarily to restore worn parts to usable condition, hard facing is also applied to new components before being placed into service.

In addition to extending the life of new and worn components, hard facing provide
Fewer replacement parts needed. Operating efficiency is increased by reducing downtime.
Less expensive base metal can be used. Overall costs are reduced.

Build-up and Hard facing
Restoring worn parts frequently involves the following three steps:

1.Buttering — For a deposit that will dilute the carbon and alloy content of base metal.
2.Build-up — Seriously worn areas should be rebuilt close to working size using tough, crack-resistant welding materials which can be deposited in an unlimited number of layers
3.Hardfacing — Wear resistant surfaces deposited on the base metal or on build-up deposits extend service life. Hard facing is usually limited to one, two, or three layers.

Consumable Selection
Welding material selection depends upon three major factors: 

1. Base Metal — Primarily affects the choice of build-up materials. 

a. Manganese steel is used for components subject to high impact loading. Rebuild to size using manganese steel weld deposits. 

b. Carbon and alloy steel components are rebuilt to size using low alloy steel weld deposits. 

2. Type of Wear — The primary consideration in selecting the final hard facing layers is the type of wear to be encountered in service. These include: 
a. Metal-to-Metal Friction — 
Wear from steel parts rolling or sliding against each other with little or no lubrication.

b. Severe Impact — 
Wear from severe pounding which tends to squash, gouge and crack the surface. Manganese steel deposits, which work harden in service, provide the greatest impact wear resistance. 

c. Abrasion Plus Impact — Wear from gritty material accompanied by heavy pounding which tends to chip or crack, as well as grind, away the surface. 

d. Severe Abrasion — Wear from gritty materials which grind or erode the surface. Severe abrasion is often accompanied by heavy compression or moderate impact. Hard deposits are required to resist abrasion but they may also need substantial impact resistance. 

e. Metal-to-Earth Abrasion — Wear from earth-like materials accompanied by moderate impact (pounding.) f. Corrosion — Chemical attack. In many, if not most cases, the effective wear is a result of a combination of two or more of the phenomena described in this section. 


         C          Cr          Fe
         3.5        35.0       Balance

5. Two Dissimilar Hard material welding


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