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Welding electrode for Mild Steel and High chromium alloy joint


5. Two Dissimilar Hard material welding

Nickelarc 141

Typical applications Nickelarc 141 would involve the chemical industry, soda, fabrication, fatty acid fabrication, vinyl chloride production, sodium metal silicate production and within the paper industry. Nickelarc 141 should be considered where high resistance to corrosion and high temperature is required.

Nickelarc 141 is a high nickel content flux-coated electrode designed for welding wrought and cast forms of commercially pure nickel to themselves or to steel. This electrode is commonly used for dissimilar welding applications involving nickel base alloys 200 or 201 to iron base and nickel base alloys. Nickelarc 141 is excellent for overlaying on steel and for welding the clad side of nickel clad steel.

Its weldability is as same as austenitic stainless steels. 
Keep the interlayer temperature under 100ºC and cool it as fast as possible.
Keep the welding current as low as possible. Dry the electrodes at 150 ~ 200ºC for 30 ~ 60 minutes before use.

Cu   0.02
Si     0.62
Mn  0.34
Fe    0.40
Ni    Bal
Ti    2.46
Al    0.20

Yield Point N/mm2 (ksi)                         331(48)
Tensile Strength N/mm2 (ksi)                493(71.5)
Elongation%                                           41


Electrode for medium-tensile, ductile steel weld

ALLOY BASIS                               Fe, C, Mn, Si
PROPERTIES     The weld bead has good appearance and slag peels off easily. The weld metal is extremely ductile and resistant to cracking and of radiographic quality

TECHNICAL DATA                       UTS : 55-65 kgf/mm      Elongation : 22-29%
TYPICAL APPLICATIONS        For joining and building up of low and medium carbon steels. Ideal for joining dissimilar sections, restrained joints and oil soaked parts. Can also be used as a cushioning alloy under hard facing deposits. Finds applications in pressure vessels, pipes, flanges, vehicle chassis, cross members, gun plates, heavy machinery parts, steel castings, etc.

Used for joining and building up of low and medium carbon steels. Ideal for joining dissimilar sections, restrained joints and oil soaked parts, castings. Can also be used as a cushioning alloy under hard facing deposits. Finds applications in pressure vessels, pipes, flanges, vehicle chassis, cross members, gun plates, heavy machinery parts, steel castings, C-frames, H-frames, crusher rotor discs, etc.

LH104S similar work as Nickelarc 141.


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