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How work FD fan


The Induced Draft (ID) fans and Forced Draft (FDfans provide control for draft and forced air zoning of fuel burned furnaces of steam generation plant of a thermal power plantForced Draft (FDfans are used for supplying the combustion air into the furnace of a boiler.

Generally in Thermal power plant Measure There is Three FANS

1. FD FANS- Force draught fan uses for Providing more Oxygen for fuel Combustion in Boiler as proper fuel combustion increase Boiler efficiency.

2. PA FANS- Primary air fan uses for Pushing Pulverized Coal from Coal mill to Boiler Burner end.

3. ID FANS- Induce Draught fan uses for Removing Ash particles and Boiler Exhaust  flue gases pulling upto Chimney.




 Thanks for watching now....


Unknown said…
thank for distributes knowledge

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