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Boiler tube

                         THERMAL POWER PLANT BOILER TUBES

water tube boiler can be defined as a Steam boiler in which the flow of water in the tubes, as well as hot gases, enclose the tubes. Not like fire tube boilers, this boiler attains high-pressures, as well as high-steam capabilities, can be achieved.

The steam generators of the 660 MW units would be 100% coal fired and would be rated to generate about 2170 t/hr each, of superheated steam at about 250 kg/ cm2 pressure and 568°C temperature. Reheat steam temperature would also be 568°C.

Boiler Erection of Water Tubes......

How do I find a leak in my boiler tube?

For detecting boiler tube leaks, plant operating engineers constantly monitor boiler furnace vacuum, which is maintained between a -10 to -20 mm water column, feed water flow to the boiler drum from the feed pump, which must not abruptly increase, the de-aerator level, the quantity of makeup water, and hissing sounds

What causes boiler tube leaks?

While leaks can occur for any number of reasons, the main causes of boiler tube leaks are tube corrosion, unified unit corrosion, scale, thermal shock, and improper boiler water treatment (post-installation).

While leaks can occur for any number of reasons, the main causes of boiler tube leaks are tube corrosion, unified unit corrosion, scale, thermal shock, and improper boiler water treatment (post-installation). Preventing boiler tube leaks and failures starts with understanding why they happen in the first place.

Tube Corrosion ?

Corrosion and the breakdown of system components are the leading causes for boiler leaks. While this can theoretically happen anywhere within the boiler, corrosion in the tubes themselves is the most direct cause of leaks.

Tubes can become corroded over time due to oxygen pitting. This is where there is excess oxygen in the boiler water itself, which causes corrosion when iron or other materials react with the oxygen molecules. The lower the temperature of the boiler feedwater, the more oxygen is introduced to the boiler, causing a higher risk for oxygen pitting within the tubes. By maintaining higher temperature feedwater, you can reduce the risk of oxygen pitting.

To help prevent tube corrosion and oxygen pitting, it’s best to use what’s known as an oxygen scavenger, such as Charlady’s Boiler Deoxy products. Oxygen scavengers are chemical agents, like sulphate or bisulphate ions, that react and combine with dissolved oxygen to form sulphate, effectively removing excess oxygen from your system.


Boiler Deoxy

Oxygen Scavengers

BOILER DEOXY Series products are used to prevent damaging corrosion and/or pits from oxygen remaining in water in boiler systems.  BOILER DEOXY Series water treatment products are designed for this specific purpose. They will not volatilize at any pressure nor will the reaction product formed with oxygen volatilize. Industries that would most benefit by use: Water Treatment, Utilities, and Commercial/Industrial.

What reduces oxidation within the tubing?


Nitrogen introduced into the piping at only about 2 psig pressure will prevent oxidation build-up on the inside of the pipe during brazing or soldering.

Tube Corrosion 

Corrosion and the breakdown of system components are the leading causes for boiler leaks. While this can theoretically happen anywhere within the boiler, corrosion in the tubes themselves is the most direct cause of leaks.  Tubes can become corroded over time due to oxygen pitting. This is where there is excess oxygen in the boiler water itself, which causes corrosion when iron or other materials react with the oxygen molecules. The lower the temperature of the boiler feedwater, the more oxygen is introduced to the boiler, causing a higher risk for oxygen pitting within the tubes. By maintaining higher temperature feedwater, you can reduce the risk of oxygen pitting.  To help prevent tube corrosion and oxygen pitting, it’s best to use what’s known as an oxygen scavenger, such as Charlady’s Boiler Deoxy products. Oxygen scavengers are chemical agents, like Sulphate or bisulphate ions, that react and combine with dissolved oxygen to form Sulphate, effectively removing excess oxygen from your system.


2. Unified Unit Corrosion

Beyond corrosion occurring in specific parts of a boiler, units can also experience unified corrosion throughout the entire system itself. This is typically caused by low pH levels throughout the boiler.

When you have pH levels below 8, your system is in a state of increased corrosion due to the higher levels of acidity in the water. Even though a pH of 7 is technically neutral, you run the risk of dipping down into acidic levels if anything goes even slightly wrong.

At Charlady, we like to see boiler systems at pH levels of 10 or above to ensure that corrosion throughout the unit is kept to a minimum. To increase the pH level of your boiler water, it’s best to use a pH or alkalinity adjuster, like our Boiler pH, which is a blend of chemicals specifically designed to adjust the pH levels of your boiler.

3. Boiler Scale

Scale is another issue that can occur within boilers which leads to tube leaks. Having scale build up in a boiler can impair heat transfer, leading to tube leaks as pressure increases. This can also clog blowdown valves and pressure release valves.

To reduce scale within a boiler, chemical softeners and scale inhibitors can be used BOILER DE-SCALE products are formulated specifically for boiler systems, boasting the ability to solubilize contaminants commonly found in boiler feedwater in order to provide the greatest potential for maintaining clean boiler heat transfer surfaces.

The BOILER DESCALE line and similar products work well in conjuncture with scheduled boiler blowdowns. This is where water is intentionally flushed or “blown out” from a boiler to help avoid the build-up of scale and other impurities that can form during steam evaporation. Blowdowns also can remove suspended solids that are present within the boiler, which helps if there are any clogs or obstructions within your boiler tubes.

4. Thermal Shock

Anyone who has ever tried to wash a warm dish with cold water has experienced the quick and potentially devastating effects of thermal shock. This can occur when cold water is introduced to a boiler. The resulting thermal shock can cause a boiler’s tubes – as well as most any of its components – to burst or leak.

The solution here is to make sure that your boiler feedwater is at the proper temperature before being added to the boiler.

5. Improper Boiler Water Treatment (Post Installation)

Picture this: a company has just spent thousands of dollars installing a brand-new boiler and is ready to start the boiler up for operation. To help preserve their investment, they must implement a proper

water treatment program at this critical junction. Running the boiler with untreated water will lead to premature corrosion of the tubes and scaling of the system, potentially leading to a failure of the boiler itself well before its intended life cycle. Proper boiler water treatment is essential to maintaining the boiler and keeping maintenance cost to a minimum. Overlooking this important preventive maintenance activity will significantly increase downtime, as well as the overall cost of the system.



The end correction and diameter of pipe is related according to equation C= xD, C is end correction and D is diameter. Before in the research the value of X= 0.33 for λ/D ratio from 11 to 45.


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Unknown said…
good explaination

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