WHAT IS CEP (CONDENSATE EXTRACTION PUMP) - This pump is in actual efficiency booster in a thermal power plant. As we all know that very high temperature and pressure steam expands in a steam turbine and this expanded(low pressure and low temp) steam can go waste if CEP doesn't perform it's function. CEP pump circulate the -Condensate(conversion of steam into water in condenser) again into deaerator tank which prevent plant from a huge loss of water. This water can be used for making deaerator level. Condensate Extraction Pump, as the name suggests the CEP is required to extract the condensate from the Condenser. Condenser is the equipment where all the steam gets condensed and the condensate is extracted out of the same by CEPs. so where the Condensate goes after coming out of the condenser, so it goes to the DEAERATOR by moving through a series of LP heaters, where the temperature of the extracted condensate is increased to a certain degree. In deaerator the soluble gases are...
power plant maintenance works, Power plant equipment maintenance , Boiler , thermal power plant, APH, Coal mill, Steam turbine, Turbine, ESP, CEP pump, Coal fire burner, Steam turbine, FA fan, FD fan, ID fan, Boiler tubes, Tubes leakage, Water tube boiler, Heavy machine maintenance, Power plant generator, Steam turbine governing system, Air Pre-heater, Mechanical engineering, Mechanical works.
can you explain what is condenser cleaning process.